“Fiore bellissimo e unico, originario dell’Africa meridionale, nel linguaggio dei fiori indica:
diversità, originalità e coraggio”.
Le emozioni più intense sono figlie dell’inaspettato e della casualità.
Non importano le ore di volo che ti attendono il giorno successivo…
Non importano la stanchezza e lo smarrimento dinnanzi ad una proposta inattesa…
Quando la vita ti pone davanti ad un’opportunità, non esistono indugi:
tu devi coglierla, catturarla, fissarla nell’attimo eterno di uno scatto.
L’esperienza di una notte in sala parto è giunta all’improvviso,
come le doglie di queste giovani donne, poco più che bambine.
Ci vuole coraggio ad essere madre. Ci vuole coraggio ad essere madre
tra le zanzare, la sporcizia e le anonime mura di un umile ospedale.
Eppure, qui, ho incontrato la vita nella sua essenza più viscerale.
Si è manifestata negli sguardi, sofferti e sereni, delle partorienti.
L’ho vista venire sorretta dal sorriso dolce di un’infermiera,
mentre, per donarsi al mondo, usciva dal ventre materno
e gridava: “Io ex-sisto… Questo sono io!”
Mi si è presentata dinnanzi, senza orpelli, e io l’ho colta in bianco e nero.
Cosa c’è di più autentico e naturale di una vita che genera vita?
"PROTEA is a beautiful and unique flower, native to Southern Africa, in the language of flowers it means: diversity, originality and courage”.
The most intense emotions come from the unexpected and from chance.
No matter how many hours of flight time await you the next day...
No matter the tiredness and bewilderment before an unexpected proposal...
When life presents you with an opportunity, there are no hesitations:
you must grasp it, capture it, fix it in the eternal moment of a shot.
The experience of a night in the delivery room came suddenly,
like the labour pains of these young women, barely more than little girls.
It takes courage to be a mother.
It takes courage to be a mother among mosquitoes, dirt and the anonymous walls of a poor hospital.
Yet, here, I met life in its most visceral essence.
It manifested itself in the suffering and serene looks of the women in labour.
I have seen it coming, supported by the sweet smile of a nurse,
as she came out of her mother's womb to give herself to the world
and shouted: "I exist... This is me!"
She stood before me, unadorned, and I caught her in black and white.
What could be more authentic and natural than a life generating life?
I made this trip to Benin as a volunteer for a non-profit organization.
The intent was to bring food and clothing to the children of Dassa and get to know the child I adopted at a distance.
Knowing my passion for photography, I was asked to photograph the children of the center
births managed by part of my group.
The Protea project was born in this context, after sleepless nights waiting for the birth of these children;
the miracle of life, which for the first time in my life, I was able to see and experience up close.
Brave mothers who walk to the birth center dressed only in their own dignity.
Children who are born naturally in the middle of nowhere ...